Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The State of Our Union--Things Every American Need to Know

Are you aware that you civil liberties are being stripped and that you are at chance of having someone watch your every move?

Many Americans are under the false impression that we live in an America that is still being ran by the constitution.  This is simply not the  case.  Each year more and more of our rights as Americans are being taken away. 

Saying Good-Bye to the 4th Amendment

Our 4th Amendment Right is being violated to the very core and it seems that the majority of the citizens either do not care or do not realize how serious these actions are.

Right now the government has a number of things in place to be able to track you and keep you under wraps.  They can see into your home with new technology.  They can track your cell phone and see where  you go and what you are doing.  They can even look at your cell phone records.  All of these things are guaranteed to be private for you but today these rights are being ignored.

Instead of the government requiring agencies to obtain the necessary search warrants for this information they are able to obtain these things illegally.  Then they are actually able to prosecute you and send you to jail for things that they found from these records.  Does anyone else see anything wrong with this?

A President Who Ignores the Rules 

Maybe the reason for so many of these problems is that we now have a president that does not follow the rules himself.  The founding fathers of our nation knew that the power of the government could not be held in the hands of one individual.  They knew that one person leading a nation would never work and could never be a democracy.

Separating the power between different branches of government was a founding principle for a government that was going to maintain its status as a democracy.  Things have to be done in the right order and they have to go through the legislative channels to go into law. 

President Obama is ignoring this practice.  He has even stated "We're not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we're providing Americans the kind of help that they need.  I've got a pen and I've got a phone."  So we have a president that is blatantly ignoring the process of government that our country runs on.  He is saying I do not feel that I need to be like every president before me.  I do not feel like I need to follow the rules.  I am in charge and I will do as I please.

This is a cry for all of you to wake up!!  Learn what is going on in our nation and really realize that we are being attacked in a way that we have never been attacked before.  We have someone in power who is threatening to shake our country at its very core.

Do We Want a President that Follows the Law or Does What He Wants? 

Obama has also said "That's the great thing about being president, I can do whatever I want." 

Hmm...whatever he wants??  What is to stop him from turning our country into a country that none of us want to live in?  He thinks that he can do whatever he wants but we need to be standing up to him and saying, no you can not do what you want.  You have to follow the same laws and same standards that every president before you has had to follow. 

Are we too blind to see that this is a problem? 

Even if the president was joking with this statement it still shows a mindset that has a completely disrespect for the rules and values that the country was founded upon.

Changing Laws Without Congressional Approval 

Many Americans are uninformed.  Do you realize that President Obama has been making changes to laws and not getting the appropriate congressional approval?  He is actually putting laws into action that have not been approved by Congress.  This means that he is breaking apart the foundation of our very government one signature at a time.

He has been writing changes into the Affordable Care Act and not having these changes approved.  It is a requirement of our constitution that President Obama would have to have congress approve any of these changes prior to making them and yet he is not seeking out the congressional approval that is supposed to be required.

National Security Threats 

Here is the scariest thing of all.  Anyone who is opposed to these laws is being seen as a national security threat and is actually someone who could be jailed for an indefinite amount of time for speaking up about these things.  In order for someone to be imprisoned they need to have committed a crime and freedom of speech is not a crime.  However there was a new law put into effect in previous years because of terrorist groups that allowed for the federal government to imprison terrorists, those who would threaten harm or other injustices. 

I think that violence is wrong in any case and would not think that people should ever do anything violent.  In fact I do not even agree with the violence of war.  I am a true believer in love and showing all people love.  However I also think that people should still have their voice and their right to peaceful protests.  The very people that President Obama claims to be greats in previous years, the Martin Luther Kings of this country would have likely been jailed and seen as national security threats today.  If anyone is opposed to our current government or the way that things are being handled they are being threatened with jail time.  How this is possible in a country like ours is not known? 

My Hope for Our Nation 

I have a strong hope for our nation that people would consider the entire picture.  People need to be aware of what is going on with the government and need to take a stand when things are happening that are not right. This does not mean that they should do anything illegal or anything violent.  Instead they should take a stand during election time. They should speak out for the candidates that will support their whole rights.  They should look for the candidates that will be willing to support our constitution as it was intended.  They should fight against these things with their almighty power of a vote. 

Choose to know about the facts this year at election time.  Choose to understand what is going on with our government and learn the facts. 

I promise to outline the facts come this election season from all sides in as simple of a format as I can.  I will even try to create some memes from time to time that will help people understand what is going on without having to read a blog.  Help share these things and get the word out about the nation and what we are facing in the future should we not choose to make some changes.  A call to action for you all.  Make an informed decision, get out there and VOTE!!

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